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Friends face the mud and raise £££’s in honour of little boy Reece


“We’re sure you reading this will know someone close to you, who has gone through the same or is on their journey right now.” – Team Give A Duck

Team Give A Duck set out to raise £1k but…
they smashed this and raised a staggering £3,275 = 131 Chemo Ducks! 

“Recently we have come to need the help of a Chemo Duck within our friendship group & put up fights against different types of cancer amongst us & our families. So, we decided to fight back & get stuck into the 10k Tough Mudder! Team member Amy decided to do this for her boy Reece, who is battling cancer and received his very own Chemo Duck & a Huggable Hope for Reece’s little sister too. The ducks have helped so much on their cancer journey and so Amy wanted to find a way to raise awareness & give back with the help of her besties too!” – Team Give A Duck

Big thank you and congratulations to team members Jess, Sam, Amy, Steve, Ellie, Stefan, Tris & Shauna. You are amazing and we love your team photos!

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