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Meet Anastasia


“In September at the age of 3 Anastasia (Mimi as we call her) was diagnosed with a fast-growing form of brain cancer known as atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumour (ATRT). After an emergency CT scan revealed her tumour was bleeding, causing it to expand and suffocate her brain, she underwent life-saving surgery, where more than 90% of it was removed. It took her almost three weeks to come round fully and appease fears that she could have been left brain damaged. She has had two further surgeries to treat hydrocephalus, including one to have a shunt placed, and has now finished 6 weeks of intense radiotherapy of the head and spine whilst still undergoing chemotherapy.

We recently had a family photoshoot where both Mimi and Oscar decided to get their ducks involved. The ducks have given both the kids so much comfort! Chemo duck goes to the hospital all the time and huggable hope makes the journey too!” – Jake, dad



The Give A Duck Foundation support families facing childhood cancer. Providing Chemo Ducks to support children through their cancer diagnosis and Huggable Hope ducks to comfort and support siblings.

£25 could fund a Chemo Duck for a child with cancer.
£50 could fund a Chemo Duck for a child with cancer and Huggable Hope for their sibling.

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