“Kaston, aged 8 from Cornwall was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia on 23rd July 2020. He had a hard 8 months of induction treatment and is currently in maintenance phase of treatment with 19 months left to go.
He loves his Chemo Duck
He has called him “Super Duck”.
He loves that he has a wiggly like himself and loves giving his duck chemo.
He takes him to school to show his friends!We heard about Chemo Duck from a fellow cancer Warrior Jojo and his mum Claire. Chemo Ducks are so important to children like Kaston as it’s a sense of normality for them as the ducks are the same as they are. Plus he loves his outfits so he can change Super Duck regularly.
Kaston has two sisters; Keeley (11) and Alleyanna (10). They love their Huggable Hope ducks as they feel like are “included and involved”. They may not have a wiggly or be on treatment for cancer but they are very much an active part of their brothers treatment and need to feel the love of a cuddly teddy too. It’s so important to include siblings as they often get over looked as they don’t have cancer and this makes the fact they get a duck so important!!Thank you so much. From our family to yours and anyone in the future to be diagnosed with childhood cancer.” Jenifer, mum
Did you know?
We support children with cancer and their families throughout the UK.
Find out more: https://www.giveaduck.org.uk/where-we-support/