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Meet Luana

Luana was diagnosed with ALL (acute lymphoblastic leukaemia) when she was 10 years old. Last year Luana relapsed and has just completed TBI (total body irradiation) in preparation for a bone marrow transplant.


Chemo Duck aka “Lulu” has been there every step of the way and is a very special companion for Luana, making her smile and always there to catch her tears.

In preparation to spend 6 weeks in isolation, Luana has been busy making Lulu some special accessories of her own including a pink wardrobe (a great way to organise all the outfits from Blue Light Babies!), complete with pink hangers and decorated with photo’s of Lulu and a matching pink bed with help from her creative Play Specialist!

Lulu also has her very own radiotherapy mask as per Luana’s request to the Play Team – how amazing is that?!

“I love Chemo Duck because she is always there for me even through the bad times and good times” – Luana

Did you know? £25 could fund a Chemo Duck for a child with cancer in the UK.

The Give A Duck Foundation now donate Chemo Ducks to over 30 UK hospitals to help support children on their cancer journey.

Donate today!
For every £25 donated you will receive a virtual gift Chemo Duck thank you card through your letter box in recognition of your support!


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