These boots were made for walkin’ And that sure is what Rachael and four of her friends did on 14th August 2021. Rachael and her friends, Annie, Fabienne, Sally and Katie decided to take on the National Three Peaks Challenge to raise money for The Give A Duck Foundation. Rachael’s cousin Chloe is undergoing treatment for AML Leukaemia and was…
Chemo Duck
We’re not quite sure how to say this but these amazing people have raised a staggering… 💥 Ten 💥 Thousand 💥 Pounds YES!!! 💥 £10,000 …raised through sponsorship from the 2021 Leeds Half Marathon and Leeds 10K that took place on 5 September. 💥 This equates to 400 Chemo Ducks for children diagnosed with cancer in the UK. We…
Meet Louise! Louise has never… ❌ Fundraised before ❌ Ran more than 2k ❌ Taken part in a mass challenge event But in September Louise has… ✅ Raised over £1,100 ✅ Ran 10k ✅ And challenged herself to do something new! Here’s what she said… (sharing with permission from Louise) “I’m not one for over sharing and have…
This world cancer day we invite you to take on the first ever Give A Duck Quiz! We’ve created a 25 question quiz and yes, you guessed it – the theme is the word “duck”! Will you join in? Visit the Duck Quiz page to get started! Make a donation to Give A Duck so that we can continue to…