

25 Jan: Coventry School take on Rudolph Run!

Have you ever seen such clever reindeers?      On 12th December 2023, Christ the King Catholic Primary School Coventry held a Rudolph Run and raised an incredible £3,853.   “The Give A Duck Foundation holds a very special place in our hearts as over the last 12 months they have supported two members of our Christ the King family”…


24 Aug: Now that’s what I call…a Duck Day!

When Bodhi’s family took on the Duck Day challenge to raise £100, little did they know, that figure would turn into a staggering £3,486.85   “We held our Duck Day on Saturday 29th April. Our main priority was to make it a fun day for friends and families to get together and laugh and play. The Give A Duck Foundation…

Christmas, Duck Day etc (Instagram Post (Square))

24 Aug: Duck Day

Get ready for Duck Day 2024! Duck Day is a fundraising day, where you get to choose the date between 2nd – 22nd April (or a date in the year that suits you). Organise a…Bake sale / Dress down day / Raffle / Quiz / Wear Yellow Day – the choice is yours. The aim of your Duck Day is…


14 Aug: Dragon Boat Challenge complete!

We came, we paddled, we got wet! Proud to be part of the Dragon Boat Challenge 2023 organised by The Rotary Clubs Wakefield Chantry, Normanton,  Horbury & Ossett Phoenix. Grand total of £1,353 raised by our Builders in a boat! Special mention to our brave Drummer, Fundraising Manager Elaine Dunning – volunteering to take up the very precarious position at…

Rudolph Run teaser

05 Sep: Rudolph Run

Rudolph Run Calling Primary Schools! Host your own Rudolph Run and help raise vital funds for Give A Duck. In December around 150 families in the UK will receive the devastating news that their child has cancer. Could your school community raise funds to provide Chemo Ducks and Huggable Hopes for the children? Help to support and comfort children and…

Duck day

02 Apr: Duck Day – launches today!

  Our new fundraiser for 2022 is now LIVE!!! From 2nd to 22nd April, Duck Day events will be taking place across the UK and we’re super excited! We cannot wait to see and hear all about your Duck Day plans. Please comment below to let us know what you’re up to or e-mail us We’d love to share…