the power of play

Oscar small

03 Jan: Meet Oscar

  “Oscar was 3 years old when he was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in September 2021. I heard about The Give A Duck Foundation from a cancer support group on Facebook and contacted the charity to request a port Chemo Duck for Oscar as he is struggling with his central line. I knew this wonderful duck would help support…

Beatrice and Hope

18 Nov: Meet Bea

Meet Bea & Hope! Bea (Beatrice) age 8, was given a Huggable Hope duck when her sister Rosalind (Rosie) was diagnosed with cancer at just 2 years old. Rosie died when she was 4, just before coronavirus arrived in the UK. We are so grateful to Annette, Beatrice and Rosie’s mum to share the support (Huggable) Hope has given to…

Diagnosis day

25 Sep: Meet Isobel

“Isobel was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia at the age of 2. Her diagnosis was a complete shock to us all…” “Isobel was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia at the age of 2. Her diagnosis was a complete shock to us all, as although she was pale and a bit off her food she hadn’t been unwell. Our fabulous GP…