We’re not quite sure how to say this but these amazing people have raised a staggering…
💥 Ten
💥 Thousand
💥 Pounds
💥 £10,000
…raised through sponsorship from the 2021 Leeds Half Marathon and Leeds 10K that took place on 5 September.
💥 This equates to 400 Chemo Ducks for children diagnosed with cancer in the UK.
We are absolutely blown away by this news. This amount will help us to continue supporting the UK hospitals with stock and respond to the direct requests of support we receive from families facing childhood cancer.
💥 Thank you to every member of Team Give A Duck 2021 and to your friends, family, work colleagues, neighbours, Facebook friends near and far for the generous donations made and inspiring words of support left on your JustGiving pages!
💥 You are all true inspirations and we are so very lucky to have you on our team!
See you next year…?!
P.s. head on over to our Instagram account @giveaduck_uk to view our special £10k announcement Reel!
P.p.s head over to our Facebook page @giveaduckUK to view more photos from the event!