We’re not quite sure how to say this but these amazing people have raised a staggering… 💥 Ten 💥 Thousand 💥 Pounds YES!!! 💥 £10,000 …raised through sponsorship from the 2021 Leeds Half Marathon and Leeds 10K that took place on 5 September. 💥 This equates to 400 Chemo Ducks for children diagnosed with cancer in the UK. We…
Could you run 10K this month? How about running 10K… Every… Single… Day… for a whole month? Adam is reaching half way of his incredible challenge, running 10K every day in October. Yep, you got it that’s 310km!!! Target set: £300 Target raised so far: £1,205 “Throughout October I am going to set myself the challenge of running 10k a…
“It was one of the best charity golf days I have attended”– golfer, Give A Duck golf day 2021 …we’ll take that as great feedback from our first charity golf day! On Tuesday 28th September we held the first Give A Duck golf day at Rudding Park Golf Club. The day was a huge success and we feel very honoured…
A Nottinghamshire based company show their support by donating advertising space! “We’re more than happy to support wherever we can.” – Richard Smith, MD of REAL Creative Digital So excited to see the first Give A Duck led advert now rotating on REAL’s screens around the Mansfield Area! Richard Smith, MD of REAL Creative Digital and is the kind donator…
Meet Louise! Louise has never… ❌ Fundraised before ❌ Ran more than 2k ❌ Taken part in a mass challenge event But in September Louise has… ✅ Raised over £1,100 ✅ Ran 10k ✅ And challenged herself to do something new! Here’s what she said… (sharing with permission from Louise) “I’m not one for over sharing and have…
“My 7 year old son was diagnosed with leukaemia and is being treated in Glasgow Royal Hospital for Sick Children NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. He was given a Chemo Duck and the registrar mentioned that there is a group of people who may be able to help personalise it for him. He is obsessed with wrestling and as yet…
This September we invite you to buy a Tie or a Tee (or both!) and wear for CCAM (Childhood Cancer Awareness Month) to help raise vital funds and raise awareness for The Give A Duck Foundation. 100% of the income from the sale of the Ties & Tees will go to The Give A Duck Foundation. Watch this special…
Luana was diagnosed with ALL (acute lymphoblastic leukaemia) when she was 10 years old. Last year Luana relapsed and has just completed TBI (total body irradiation) in preparation for a bone marrow transplant. Chemo Duck aka “Lulu” has been there every step of the way and is a very special companion for Luana, making her smile and always there…