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Meet Stacy

Meet Stacy

The Give A Duck Foundation work with Play Specialists throughout the UK, providing stock of Chemo Ducks and Huggable Hopes to help support families facing childhood cancer, at the earliest opportunity.

Play matters and we are so proud to share this feedback from Stacy, a community play specialist.


“Chemo Duck is such a beautiful, wonderful resource! As a community play specialist, my role is to help children understand their diagnosis and treatment through play. I am always hunting out resources that will be beneficially for the children that I see and often end up making things myself to explain to them what is going on. Chemo Duck goes the extra mile and means I don’t have to fix something together!

Children that are undergoing chemotherapy treatment will be able to get their own Chemo Duck with either a port or Hickman lines, to keep. With this duck we can demonstrate how their port or wiggles work and do this in a safe and fun way! During play it can often bring up conversations of things that the child may be worried about and acting it out on the duck allows the child to explore all this information in a way that they can retain, giving them time to process and prepare. When a child understands what’s happening they are more likely to comply with treatment making it easier for the child, their family and all health professionals involved.

The extra amazing thing about The Give A Duck Foundation is that they acknowledge that this is a difficult time for the whole family and siblings aren’t forgotten and are included getting their own Huggable Hope each. Really special to make them feel involved. Thank you Give A Duck for helping so many families in making a very difficult time a little easier.” – Stacy Edwards, Community Play Specialist


Every week around 30 children in the UK are diagnosed with cancer.  The Give A Duck Foundation provide Chemo Ducks to children with cancer and Huggable Hope ducks for their siblings.

Could you help Give A Duck continue to support families facing childhood cancer?


You can make a difference this Christmas.

Just £25 could fund a Chemo Duck for a child with cancer.  Any amount you can give, no matter how small, will help The Give A Duck Foundation continue to provide Chemo Ducks and Huggable Hope ducks to families facing childhood cancer throughout the UK.

To make a donation, please visit:

Visit: Give A Duck Christmas Appeal 2021

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