Meet Bailey & Sid!
The Give A Duck Foundation are proud to share Bailey’s story as part of the ‘Give A Duck this Christmas’ appeal, highlighting the incredible impact and amazing support Chemo Duck provides to children with cancer…
“I noticed Bailey had a tilt to his head when attempting to focus his eyes. After looking closely at his eyes I then noticed a wobble in his right eye when he was 3 years old. Using Dr Internet I discovered he may have nystagmus.
At 5 years old Bailey received his first MRI on 10 July 2021. Within a week he was referred to the oncology dept. We met Dr Becky for the first time on 16 July 2021. Bailey and I received the news that he needed to be treated with chemotherapy for a low grade glioma in his optic chasm.
We took a tour of the ward/unit of which would become very familiar. At this time we met Lisa the department play specialist. We were greeted with such enthusiasm and positivity, it was very special. Lisa took Bailey aside and asked if he would like a gift, a squishy duck he could cuddle in to when nervous or celebrate with when happy. Not forgetting new outfit changes after 5 treatment stickers and naming his duck.
Well, Bailey hadn’t been a big fan of stuffies so I was expecting a blunt refusal, but he accepted politely. ‘Sid’ the Chemo Duck now sits on our landing guarding the top floor of our home and Bailey’s bedroom door, until he gets packed up for our weekly trips to the hospital.
Bailey takes pride in caring for Sid and has added him to our family. Bailey is now a father to a collection of stuffies of which Sid sits in the centre and I am grandad.
I see the comfort he receives from his stuffies and especially Sid when he is feeling good and bad about his treatment. Sid is on this journey with Bailey and I think he always will be.” James, dad
Every week around 30 children in the UK are diagnosed with cancer. The Give A Duck Foundation provide Chemo Ducks to children with cancer and Huggable Hope ducks for their siblings.
Could you help Give A Duck continue to support families facing childhood cancer?
You can make a difference this Christmas.
Just £25 could fund a Chemo Duck for a child with cancer. Any amount you can give, no matter how small, will help The Give A Duck Foundation continue to provide Chemo Ducks and Huggable Hope ducks to families facing childhood cancer throughout the UK.