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Meet Natasha & Chloe – Health Play Specialists

Natash & Chloe Royal Hampshire County Hospital
The Royal Hampshire County Hospital Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is one of over 30 UK Hospitals we support and so receiving feedback from them means everything to us…

“Chemo Ducks have become a big part of the lives of the children and siblings we care for. The children really look forward to picking their outfits every month and they are truly spoiled for choice with the selection of beautifully hand made outfits we are offering them! It’s so nice to be able to include the siblings with the Huggable Hope ducks too and they really feel part of the journey. We are so grateful to The Give A Duck Foundation for the amazing work they do.” – Natasha & Chloe, Health Play Specialists

Chemo Duck and Huggable Hope are helping support children living with childhood cancer right now here in the UK. The ducks help to reduce fear and anxiety and help children talk about their feelings and emotions.

Children can ask the doctors and nurses to demonstrate on their Chemo Duck first e.g.

Taking bloods
Taking blood pressure
Administering medicine e.g. chemotherapy
Cleaning their central line
Preparing for port access

Children can use Chemo Duck to show their brothers and sisters, wider family and friends what their line looks like by showing them Chemo Ducks port-a-cath or Hickman Line.

Play matters.

Donate £25 today to provide a Chemo Duck for a child with cancer in the UK.

Donate £50 today to provide a Chemo Duck and Huggable Hope for their sibling.



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