“Oscar was 3 years old when he was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in September 2021. I heard about The Give A Duck Foundation from a cancer support group on Facebook and contacted the charity to request a port Chemo Duck for Oscar as he is struggling with his central line.
I knew this wonderful duck would help support him as the duck’s line is just like the line Oscar has, so very realistic and enables Oscar to role play and practice giving medicines on his Chemo Duck! Oscar named his Chemo Duck, “C-Duck” and loves the outfits Give A Duck sent especially the dinosaur one! Oscar has also enjoyed the treats from the Santa sack too! Thank you for your support, my son is thrilled with his duck.
The charity has inspired us so much that some funds a friend has kindly raised for Oscar will be going to help other boys and girls get their own Chemo Duck.” – Rebecca, mum
Did you know?
£25 could fund a Chemo Duck for a child with cancer
Donate today and make a single donation or sign up for regular giving: https://www.giveaduck.org.uk/donate/